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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Recruiters rank third highest in professional stakes

While I continuously take pride in my work within the recruitment sector, it’s always great to see and hear the industry being recognised as one of the best, particularly when it comes to professional standards.

A study undertaken by The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) has revealed some interesting facts and figures around the simple question: ‘Who are seen to be more professional?’

Recruiters were given a very respectable third place – keeping in good company with teachers and lawyers who took the top two spots.

Director of REC Anita Holbrow attributed the success to the 80-year heritage of recruitment and its professional bodies in the UK, and claimed we have a lot to be proud of.

I couldn’t agree more, which is why ACR has been a member of REC for the past 18 years. We regularly have input into REC group discussions, notably with the Office Professionals Sector Group, who will undoubtedly by thrilled by this positive piece of research.

It really is a fantastic result for the industry, achieved in spite of the rather negative outlook surrounding the jobs market currently.

Take a look at our Latest News page to see what we’ve been doing to champion professional standards and best practice lately.

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