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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Recruiters rank third highest in professional stakes

While I continuously take pride in my work within the recruitment sector, it’s always great to see and hear the industry being recognised as one of the best, particularly when it comes to professional standards.

A study undertaken by The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) has revealed some interesting facts and figures around the simple question: ‘Who are seen to be more professional?’

Recruiters were given a very respectable third place – keeping in good company with teachers and lawyers who took the top two spots.

Director of REC Anita Holbrow attributed the success to the 80-year heritage of recruitment and its professional bodies in the UK, and claimed we have a lot to be proud of.

I couldn’t agree more, which is why ACR has been a member of REC for the past 18 years. We regularly have input into REC group discussions, notably with the Office Professionals Sector Group, who will undoubtedly by thrilled by this positive piece of research.

It really is a fantastic result for the industry, achieved in spite of the rather negative outlook surrounding the jobs market currently.

Take a look at our Latest News page to see what we’ve been doing to champion professional standards and best practice lately.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Paris Brown: A sobering lesson for us all

IF you ever needed an example of the dangers of social networking in the recruitment industry look no further than the case of Paris Brown – the 17-year-old appointed Youth Crime Commissioner by Kent Constabulary.

When she was 14 or 15 she tweeted inappropriately about racism and homophobia and when her past caught up with her as the media scrutiny intensified on her life – she was left crying and embarrassed and eventually resigned from her post after only a week.

It’s a sobering lesson for Paris – who will now fully appreciate the enormity of the implications of inappropriate social media activity.  But it should also serve as a sobering lesson for the Police Commissioner for Kent Constabulary – who should never have allowed the situation to arise in the first place. 

Whether Paris should have kept her role as a bridge between police and young people and seen out the media storm with support from Kent Constabulary or whether she was right to walk away from the position, are arguments open for lengthy discussion.

What is indisputable however is the renewed focus on the implications of apparently casual tweets or Facebook postings which can be used by employers to provide a deeper insight into the personality traits of job candidates.

Had the Police Commissioner for Kent Constabulary checked out Paris’s social media history before the appointment, a more measured approach could have been adopted and a media storm avoided.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Concerns over city’s unemployed

While our recent pay trends mini survey revealed some positive news about Peterborough and its businesses, the latest statistics regarding unemployment in the area have resulted in concerns being raised.

A total of 6,710 people are currently unemployed, making up for 5.6% of the local population. It is only a slight increase from the figures released this time last year, but one that reflects poorly on the city in comparison to the rest of the region.

Lincoln, Cambridge, Northampton, Grantham and Stamford all reported figures that were more representative of the national rate, which currently stands at 3.9%.

A number of local organisations were contacted to comment on the news, including ACR. Recruitment partner Nel Woolcott spoke with BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on our behalf, talking candidly about why the figures were so high.

Much of the discussion focused on the impact of seasonal roles, many of which will have recently come to an end following the busy Christmas period, as well as the recent influx of people without jobs moving into the area.

We can certainly relate – having had a busy start to the year – but we still have a variety of job roles currently available and have even identified some skills gaps in the market.

In short, we still have something to be confident about in spite of these disheartening statistics. We know that Peterborough is a job creating city, with a 17% increase in the number of new companies being set up within the last 12 months.

We’ll be keeping cautiously optimistic as we continue to work with clients and candidates alike towards a much-anticipated boost in the city’s economy.

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