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Thursday, 16 April 2009

Use staff creatively

When you need a spot of marketing doing, or maybe some extra IT input, the easy option – in the past - has been to employ a dedicated member of staff. The finances to do that aren’t there now in many cases.
So it’s time to think creatively.
Is there a member of your team who doesn’t currently work in that area but has an interest, background or experience in it?
Knowing your staff is key. What are their hobbies? Do they use skills in their leisure interests which could be transferred to the working environment? Have they shown aptitude in a particular area or expressed a desire to move to a different field within your company?
Now is the time to explore those options. Someone who’s very good at sales could have a feel for marketing. One of the warehouse operators may be a ‘computer geek’ who, given the chance, could be a whiz on the IT helpdesk.
We’ve had circumstances where we’ve placed marketing graduates in secretarial roles who, within months, have found themselves adding value to marketing campaigns.
Don’t pigeon hole your staff. You never know what might happen if you let them spread their wings…


Anonymous said...

Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “Hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere efforts it’s done.
recruitment agencies

SandyM said...

"Don't pigeon hole staff".. How wonderfully refreshing and a nice read indeed. I have been hearing great things about your agency. I can see why..



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