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Monday, 27 April 2009

Get the most out of your recruitment partners

“We need a secretary.”
“Tell us more. What hours will they be required to work? Who will they report to? Do they need formal qualifications?”
“Errrr, ummmmm….”

We’ve had those kind of conversations – frequently. It’s amazing how many people have identified a job vacancy, called in a recruitment agency to help fill it and that’s where the thinking’s ended. They haven’t defined the role, thought about a timescale or even considered the option of internal promotion so recruiting at a more junior level.
We can, of course, lead companies through that process. But our help can only go so far. It may be that board approval is needed before recruitment above a certain salary level can begin. Companies will know if there are any potential internal candidates – we won’t.
Before briefing begins answer some key questions internally: how does the role fit within the organisation? Job description? Responsibilities in association to budget, assets and people? Legal requirements? Necessary qualifications?
It’s good practice to have a standard approach to defining jobs. Use a template if there is one making it easier for everyone to understand the process. Cutting corners now will only cost more time and effort in the long run.
Once these details have been agreed on, brief your recruitment partners accordingly. They will help pull together a process and a realistic timetable for filling the vacancy.
Then stick to it!

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