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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

ACR notches up another Green Star

The Investors in the Environment scheme marked the end of its second successful year with an awards ceremony aimed at rewarding the achievements of those businesses which have demonstrated a commitment to an eco-policy.

We were one of the founder members of the scheme, organised and managed by PECT (Peterborough Environment City Trust) and were at last night’s ceremony.

There was an impressive turn out and it was incredible to hear of the impact the scheme has had. Tens of thousands of pounds have been saved by businesses through the adoption of eco-policies. Thousands of tonnes of waste have been diverted from landfill. Carbon footprints have been reduced. Recycling has increased on a huge scale. And the scheme has now become a franchise being adopted by environmental trusts as far afield as Yorkshire.

It was great to see how broad a spectrum of businesses have signed up to the scheme, from small owner-managed concerns to the Peterborough offices of Mars PetCare and Ikea.

We were delighted to once again receive not just the highest Green Award but also a Great Green Star Award. This particular certificate was given to the handful of companies which the auditors felt had embedded their eco-policy into the fabric of their business.

For us, our reduce, recyle, reuse policy has become second nature. We just do it. And that’s because as individuals and as an agency we have changed our habits. According to psychologists, it takes just a matter of weeks to change the habit of a lifetime. That’s not a long time. And as Kim Coley, the self-proclaimed queen of Investors in the Environment, said at the ceremony: “It’s about changing the world.”

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