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Friday, 11 November 2011

Charity gala dinner – what a celebration!

I was privileged to be at the Gala Dinner marking the 15th anniversary of the Peterborough Business Support Group of the NSPCC yesterday (November 10).

I’ve personally supported the Group since it started and I’ve managed to persuade the rest of the ACR team to get involved in various fundraising stunts over the years to help boost the Group’s bank account.

As a mum, any child-related cause is always going to feel like a worthy one. But what particularly appeals about the Peterborough Business Support Group is that all the money it raises goes to support vulnerable children in this area.

There are almost 200 children desperately needing supporting in Peterborough alone – the way I see it, that’s 200 reasons to do something.

The event, held at Peterborough Marriott Hotel, felt like the celebration it was.

There was a draw for a Mulberry handbag, some amazing auction prizes including use of a Florida villa and a ‘money can’t buy’ evening at the opera with Penny Smith which went for an incredible £3,500.

Penny Smith was the special guest and gave an after dinner speech recalling her time as a cub reporter on the Peterborough Evening Telegraph and spilling some secrets from the GMTV sofa.

I think the high point of the night though was the tribute paid by a representative of the NSPCC to the Group’s Chairman Chris Collier. I’m proud to know Chris and he is one of those incredibly humble people who will fight tooth and nail for the cause without ever accepting any of the credit.

Last night, he received some very well deserved recognition for his unswerving dedication to the cause since 1996.

A great evening to be part of, a worthwhile cause and a fitting celebration.

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