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Friday, 30 April 2010

Stamford Mercury Business Awards

Businesses have had to work extra hard over the last year so those which have headed onwards and upwards as others have stumbled deserve recognition.

That’s what the Stamford Mercury Business Awards ceremony last night was all about – shouting about those people, companies and teams which have put their heads down, got on with it and carved out success despite the market conditions.

I was proud to be at last night’s ceremony at Greetham Valley Hotel, Golf and Conference Centre as a co-sponsor of the Business of the Year category.

We’ve been involved with the awards for three years now and it certainly feels like they are gathering pace in Stamford and the surrounding areas.

There was obvious delight from many winners – and why not, surviving a recession is worthy of mention, coming out the other side as an award winner is a fantastic achievement.

My co-judge Robert Hinch from Greetham Valley and I struggled to whittle the entrants in the Business of the Year category down to a short list and choosing a winner was even harder.

We finally settled on Precision Sports and Leisure Ltd in Stamford.

They demonstrated both a high level of professionalism and real passion for their business – a vitally important ingredient. The shop’s success over the last 12 months has been impressive and the team has some really exciting plans for the future. I actually visited the shop as a customer and was very impressed with the service I received. They’re not short of creativity either and have channelled that into identifying new markets.

So a big well done to Precision Sports and Leisure Ltd, thank you to Greetham Valley Hotel, Golf and Conference Centre for providing a beautiful setting and fantastic meal and congratulations to the Stamford Mercury for another successful awards.

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