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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

National salary trends

Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show average pay increases are at the lowest level since records began nine years ago.

The results – published as part of the ONS monthly update on unemployment and wages – are on a par with those from the 12th annual Peterborough Local Market Survey produced by PAYdata Ltd in partnership with us.

Our salary survey showed an overall downturn in wages for the first time, with an average slip of 3.6 per cent. The ONS figures were slightly less gloomy but still show private sector employees’ salaries rose by just 0.2 per cent.

Of course, these figures reflect last year’s trends when many employers chose to freeze pay in an effort to stave off redundancies or worse.

We weren’t at all surprised by our results – we had suspected the economic climate would deliver the first fall. And the 0.2 per cent figure from the ONS – as an average – of course suggests that while some people did receive a pay increase, others had their pay frozen or even decreased.

These figures are all based on last year’s business decisions. While no one expects huge about-turns over night, today’s announcement that the UK is emerging from recession could mean this time next year it is, for a lot of people, a different story.

If you would like further information on how you can take part in our Peterborough Local Market Survey during 2010 please contact Nel Woolcott (nel@annecorder.co.uk) here at ACR.

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