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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

National salary trends

Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show average pay increases are at the lowest level since records began nine years ago.

The results – published as part of the ONS monthly update on unemployment and wages – are on a par with those from the 12th annual Peterborough Local Market Survey produced by PAYdata Ltd in partnership with us.

Our salary survey showed an overall downturn in wages for the first time, with an average slip of 3.6 per cent. The ONS figures were slightly less gloomy but still show private sector employees’ salaries rose by just 0.2 per cent.

Of course, these figures reflect last year’s trends when many employers chose to freeze pay in an effort to stave off redundancies or worse.

We weren’t at all surprised by our results – we had suspected the economic climate would deliver the first fall. And the 0.2 per cent figure from the ONS – as an average – of course suggests that while some people did receive a pay increase, others had their pay frozen or even decreased.

These figures are all based on last year’s business decisions. While no one expects huge about-turns over night, today’s announcement that the UK is emerging from recession could mean this time next year it is, for a lot of people, a different story.

If you would like further information on how you can take part in our Peterborough Local Market Survey during 2010 please contact Nel Woolcott (nel@annecorder.co.uk) here at ACR.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Get a better job – we’re right behind it

A lot of people who might otherwise have begun a job hunt last year sat tight, preferring to stay with their current employer than start a potentially futile job hunt or, worse still, change jobs only to find themselves surplus to requirements not long after.

But with signs the job market is moving in the right direction – the latest Report on Jobs sponsored by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and KPMG (which we contribute to) reveals there was an increase in demand for staff in the three months to December – now could be a good time for candidates to start considering their options.

We’ve always found job fairs a very positive way to engage with candidates. You know that everyone in the room is actively interested in launching a job search, that’s why they’ve taken the time to visit. As an agency exhibiting at these events we find we’re often targeted by people who know they’re not particularly fulfilled or happy in their current role but aren’t quite sure what else might be open to them.

We’re able to help, advise and suggest possible solutions – whether it be companies they could speak to, courses they could attend to improve their skill set or even inviting them in for a more formal consultation if we feel we can really add value to their search.

Get A Better Job day is an annual event in Peterborough. This year it’s being held on Thursday, January 28 between 10am and 6pm at The Great Northern hotel.

While those are currently out of a job are welcome, the day is also geared towards those who are looking for, as the name suggests, a better job!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Here's to 2010

First of all – a very happy new year. And it does feel like there’s a very real prospect of that – something I’m not sure I could have said with any certainty this time last year.

Despite a very shaky start to 2009, it feels like, as the year has progressed, we’ve found ourselves on a much more even keel. Some of that is down to the green shoots of confidence which started to appear in the economy. A lot of it is down to the sheer hard work and determination of all at ACR to retain, gain and develop our business.

Throughout 2009 our core business remained strong as we continued to fill permanent, contract and temporary positions, win new contracts and increase our client base. This is despite industry figures showing the recruitment market has contracted by more than 20 per cent during the year.

But some of our proudest moments came from achievements in those areas which we have integrated into the business in our efforts to ensure we employ best practice in everything we do.

Our Paperless Office Project reached its culmination and we didn’t just shout about it, we won an international award for it! Recruitment partner Karen Dykes joined me at a very special ceremony at the Houses of Parliament to receive our Green Apple Award presented by no-less than a former Bond Girl! The contacts we made there have enabled us to become even more green – sourcing new eco-friendly suppliers for much of our office equipment and supplies for instance.

The ties we have with our local community – through business awards, Young Enterprise, Opportunity Peterborough, Chamber of Commerce, CIPD, etc – have been built upon. We were one of the first local businesses to throw in an offer of help to the newly launched Back to Business Club. Our connection with this gave us the ear of our local MP Stewart Jackson. We have used that contact to lobby Mr Jackson about forthcoming legislative changes – something which has been encouraged by our trade body the Recruitment and Employment Confederation.

Their last Report on Jobs showed the best numbers for permanent and temporary jobs in the past 18 months – a good sign for all of us.

Communication has always been key for us and that has increased hugely in the last 12 months. We send out regular e-newsletters, post blogs here and use Twitter.com profusely to reach new candidates and keep current ones up to date.

And so here we are – at the end of one of the toughest years anyone in business can remember – and on the threshold of one that, hopefully, can only be better.
Already we are noting a new air of confidence among our clients, a definite positivity which hasn’t been apparent for many months.

And we’re looking forward to helping build on that during 2010.

Let’s hope, that for all of us, this year really does prove to be a happy and prosperous one.

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