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Thursday, 10 December 2009

Peterborough Salary Survey

The results of this year’s salary survey won’t come as a surprise to many people – the figures show wages have slipped by an average of 3.6 per cent since last year.

We’ve been involved with producing the salary for 12 years and this is the first time it has recorded a drop.

This year 24 of Greater Peterborough’s most high profile companies fed in information about the pay and benefits received by a total of 4,800 employees.

That’s a good sample size and the fact that different industries and sectors were represented means the results provide the most accurate overall picture locally that we have.

We suspected this climate could deliver the first fall in salaries since the survey began but we were surprised by some of the figures – warehouse and store staff were among the hardest hit with their pay dropping 10.2 per cent while call centre and customer service staff saw a drop of 7.5 per cent.

As the figures are averages, they may not represent a real drop in the money in an employee’s pay packet but rather provide a reflection of the result of redundancies or pay freezes.

However they’re interpreted, the figures unfortunately paint a generally negative picture. But then that’s pretty much how the year has panned out in business. The best it seems we can hope for is that the start of 2010 brings with it some market confidence to give business, staff – and salaries – a welcome boost.

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