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Monday, 14 September 2009

Back to Business

If I can see some real benefit in a recruitment-related initiative – to individuals, companies or the area as a whole - I’m always happy to lend a hand if required. So I was delighted to accept the invitation to be involved in The Back To Business Club which has been launched by the Greater Peterborough Partnership.

The club is aimed at professionals who have been made redundant and who are keen to get back to work or explore alternatives such as setting up on their own. It is hoped the club will help maintain the confidence and motivation of the jobseekers who attend by keeping them in touch with similar-minded people in the same situation.
We regularly deal with the kind of professionals the club is aimed at so it made perfect sense for us to be involved.

Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson opened the first session which saw about 30 people through the door.

What we don’t want is the club to be seen as ‘exclusive’. At the same time people are recognising that, in the current climate, there is a need for a service specifically targeted at managers and professionals, many of whom may not have been out of work before.

‘Job clubs’ aren’t for everyone and I understand why some people may feel reticent to attend. But as a word of encouragement having met some of the attendees at the first session, if nothing else I think the networking opportunities it offers are worth exploring.

If you want any more information you can click on the link Back to Business or pop along to a session – held every Thursday from 2pm to 5pm at Peterborough College of Adult Education.

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