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Thursday, 13 August 2009

ACR’s light in the gloom

The headline national unemployment figure doesn’t look good – 2.4 million with predictions it could reach three million by the end of the year.
Our consultant Kerry Tanner was interviewed on the radio, shortly after the government released the numbers, and asked for our – local – take on the national figures.

And that’s where we can knock the doom and gloom on the head – or at least shine a little light into it.

Because at ACR, after – and we’d be the first to admit it - a very slow start to the year, things have begun looking up in the last three months.

As Kerry told the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire interviewer: ”We have found the job market very different from that of last year – but we have found an interesting trend.

“From the end of March to July we have seen a steady increase in roles coming into the business – permanent, temporary and contract.
“There has been a vast difference in the volume this year compared to last year as you’d expect in the economic doom and gloom but there does seem to be more movement in the local market than in the national market.”

Her comments are based on genuine figures and, while we don’t want to over egg the situation and say everything is fine when clearly it’s not, it does seem that Peterborough is a bit of a hotspot of employment.

And that can only be a good thing for those of us living and working here.

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