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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Guiding you through the minefield

The opening of European borders was heralded as the start of a whole continent of new opportunities. There was talk of people being able to work anywhere and do anything.
But it’s never quite worked like that.
And we, along with employers across the city, now find ourselves facing a minefield of new eligibility rules for workers from the European Union – and further afield.
The points system is now in place which we have to work through with every potential candidate before we can sign them up. And we must demonstrate we have been through that process to clients we are working with.
To help employers we’ve put together a guide to eligibility which you can find in the legal zone of our website.
The legal zone contains quite a bit of information which you might find useful. If there’s anything else you’d like to us to feature on there do let us know by email.

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