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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

LinkedIn member count reaches 300 million

You can’t knock LinkedIn’s ambition. In a recent press release announcing its 300 million member milestone, the social network site stated that it won’t be resting on its laurels yet, instead it hopes to “create economic opportunity for every one of the 3.3 billion people in the global workforce.”

When put like that, this latest achievement is really only a scratch on the surface of LinkedIn’s self-proclaimed potential, but certainly one to celebrate and appreciate. Most applaudable is how far the online platform has come in the past five years and how instrumental it has been in changing recruitment methods on a global level in particular.

The huge growth in membership is testament to its reputation as a reliable business platform for recruiters and jobseekers alike. Since 2008, membership has diversified to welcome more countries and more sectors to the site, resulting in measurable increases in job vacancies and applications towards record levels.

Unsurprisingly, the main focus of the five year review was the network’s mobile offering, which is expected to account for 50% of views by the end of 2014. And with five apps currently in use, we can only expect that figure to keep increasing.

Without doubt, LinkedIn will continue to play a major part in the ongoing departure from traditional forms of recruitment in favour of innovative digital methods and processes.

Check out the ACR Linked In page for our thoughts and musings on this exciting industry in which we work and share your ideas with us – we’d love to hear them.


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