01733 235298

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Catching up on recent findings from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation’s (REC) latest JobsOutlook survey, I was thrilled to read that 56% of employers intend to increase their headcount over the next quarter.

It’s another encouraging statistic that serves to reflect increased optimism of businesses about the future of the economy and, more specifically, the jobs market.

A rise in the percentage of bosses who foresee agency staff headcounts will “stay the same” also shows growing confidence in the temporary labour market and the benefits agency staff can bring to businesses.

The summer months are a particularly busy time for temporary workers, who are most often employed to meet fluctuations in demand and to assist during sickness/holiday/maternity cover.

Temporary recruitment is something that myself and the team at ACR commit a lot of our time to, as we recognise the value that flexible work can offer both clients and candidates. And while we know there is a demand for it here in Peterborough, it’s great to see that the benefits are becoming more widely recognised, as reported by the REC.

Over the next year, one in three respondents plan to increase the use of agency workers, while 60% predict no change in their use of temps. This leaves just 6% who expect to make a reduction - a pleasingly low percentage.

ACR inputs data into the JobsOutlook survey on a monthly basis so it’s always interesting to see if our findings match those on a national level. We continue to be reassured by the latest results, and look enthusiastically forward to what the next quarter will bring.

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